Since October 2022, the Transius Centre and KU Leuven’s Research Group on Translation and Intercultural Transfer have hosted the project “Places of Translation: A Comparative Study of the Emergence of Local Translation Policies in Belgium and Switzerland (1830/1848-1918)”. Under the direction of Prof. Valérie DULLION and Prof. Reine MEYLAERTS, the project focuses on how translation policies were established in Belgian and Swiss cities in the nineteenth century, within the framework of the modern state, and what kinds of effects they had on the construction of a multilingual society. It draws on legal and administrative documents collected from the archives of public institutions. These sources are analysed with methods that are supported by digital tools. The project contributes to comparative approaches to the history of translation policies and institutional translation, as well as to the development of archive-based methods in Translation Studies.
The project is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF – Grant 205052) and the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO - Grant G0B5622N) through the Weave funding scheme for a period of four years (2022-2026).