Colloque Transius 2015
Transius a accueilli du 24 au 26 juin 2015 son premier colloque international, lequel a réuni deux manifestations complémentaires : un colloque Law, Translation and Culture (LTC5) organisé en collaboration avec la Multicultural Association of Law and Language (MALL), et un séminaire de traduction juridique et institutionnelle organisé en collaboration avec le Universities Contact Group – IAMLADP (UCG).
La manifestation a réuni plus de 250 participants en provenance de 34 pays des cinq continents, dont notamment des chercheurs, des praticiens et des étudiants, et a offert une occasion de dialogue aux chercheurs et aux praticiens partageant un intérêt pour la traduction juridique et, plus largement, pour la traduction dans ses divers contextes institutionnels. Pendant trois journées ont eu lieu trois conférences plénières, 62 communications, une séance de posters et trois tables rondes thématiques faisant intervenir 16 représentants d'organisations internationales. [Détails de la manifestation]
« The focus of the conference was on legal translation and translation in institutional settings. It was an important international event, being the biggest legal translation conference since a similar event in the early 2000s, also in Geneva. [...] The conference gathered a nice mixture of researchers and practitioners (legal translators, interpreters and lawyer-linguists), and was an excellent networking opportunity.
To account for a mixed audience, the organisers ensured that the conference had a healthy balance of research and practice-oriented components. [...] The papers focused on methods of legal translation and translation of multilingual law, terminology and concept systems, legal translator training and certification, and quality assurance. They attested to the growing methodological rigour and a strong shift from prescriptive to descriptive and empirical, with research based on varied methodologies, such as corpus-based translation studies, discourse analysis, CDA or sociological studies of the profession. In short, they provided a broad overview of ongoing research activities in the field and new initiatives. [...] I particularly liked the themed roundtables as it was an excellent chance to learn and contrast institutional practices of high-level international organisations, including the optimisation of translation workflows, terminology management, quality assurance and innovations brought to improve processes or make them more cost-effective.
Overall, the high turnout at the conference and the number of papers/proposals are proof that, after a seeming period of stagnation in the last decade, Legal Translation Studies is thriving [...]. »
Łucja Biel. Conference report: TRANSIUS Conference on Legal Translation. EST Newsletter. 47 : 25-26.