Transius Symposium on Corpus Analysis in Legal Research and Legal Translation Studies

3 June 2016 - University of Geneva

Programme | Pre-Symposium Seminar | Speakers | Practical information

Andreas ABEGG

Andreas ABEGG is a “Doktor iuris” and “Privatdozent” at Freiburg University (Switzerland). He is Professor of Public Commercial Law at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, where he is director of the Centre for Public Commercial Law. He also teaches at the Law Faculty of Lucerne University and is Professor Juris at Lillehammer University in Norway.  Furthermore, Andreas Abegg is a partner at AM T Rechtsanwälte, advising clients and representing them in court, and specialising in contract law, labour law and administrative law. Andreas Abegg’s main academic interests are in the intersection of public law and private law and legal theory. He has recently finished a project supported by the Swiss National Foundation on empirical linguistics in legal theory and history. List of publications and selected publications in full text.

Łucja BIEL

Dr habil. Łucja BIEL is an Associate Professor and Acting Head of the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, Poland. She was a Visiting Lecturer on the MA in Legal Translation at City University London (2009-2014). She has been an English-Polish legal translator since 1997, an expert member of the Polish Association of Sworn and Specialized Translators (TEPIS) and an expert for the Polish Normalization Committee (PKN). She is Secretary General of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) and deputy editor of the Journal of Specialised Translation. She holds an MA in Translation Studies (Jagiellonian University of Kraków), PhD in Linguistics (University of Gdańsk), Diploma in English and EU Law (University of Cambridge) and a School of American Law diploma (Chicago-Kent School of Law and University of Gdańsk). She has published over 40 papers on legal/EU translation, legal terminology, translator training and corpus linguistics, as well as the book Lost in the Eurofog. The Textual Fit of Translated Law (Peter Lang, 2014).

Samantha CAYRON

Samantha CAYRON graduated in Translation and Interpreting in Mexico City in 1993. In 2001, she obtained her MA in Translation (with Spanish, French and English) at the University of Geneva’s ETI (currently FTI). She then began working as a freelance translator, specializing in legal translation. In 2006, she was appointed as a French-Spanish certified translator and interpreter for the Court of Appeal of Grenoble (France). From 2008 to 2014, she worked as a research and teaching assistant at the FTI’s Spanish Translation Unit. In 2015, she completed her PhD on the French-Spanish certified translation of notary public documents in the probate field. As a research associate of the Transius Centre, her work focuses on translation in judicial contexts, certified legal translation and comparative law. She also teaches legal translation at postgraduate level as main subject.

Giorgina CERUTTI

Giorgina CERUTTI BENÍTEZ holds a degree in Translation with a concentration in legal and certified translation from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de la República, Uruguay, and a Masters of Arts in Translation with a concentration in Translation Technologies from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI) of the University of Geneva. She has worked as a freelance translator and interpreter since 2011, and has completed a terminology internship at the United Nations Office at Geneva, as well as a translation internship at the South Centre. She is a member of the European Society for Translation Studies, and currently works as an assistant and doctoral candidate at the Spanish Unit of the FTI’s Translation Department. Her working languages are English, French and Spanish.

Annarita FELICI

Annarita FELICI is Associate Professor of Translation at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, as well as head of the Italian Unit since October 2014. In 2008 she completed her PhD in Applied Linguistics at Royal Holloway, University of London with a thesis on the translation of norms in EU legal texts. Her fields of special interest include legal translation, contrastive linguistics, discourse analysis in institutional settings and the application of corpus linguistics to translation and specialized languages. She was previously “Juniorprofessorin” of legal linguistics at the University of Cologne in Germany and spent over ten years in the UK lecturing translation, general linguistics and Italian as a foreign language. She has worked as a translator and as translation project manager in the area of linguistic validation.


Diego GUZMÁN BOURDELLE-CAZALS studied French Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (FFyL-UNAM, 2010) and holds two Masters of Arts in Translation from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI) of the University of Geneva with concentrations on Specialised Translation (2013) and Translation Studies (2014). He is a member of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) and an associate member of the Swiss Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Association (ASTTI). As a practitioner, he has worked as a freelance translator since 2007 and he completed internships at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) and the South Centre translation services. Since 2012, he works as an assistant for Transius. He is currently conducting  a doctoral research under the supervision of professor Fernando PRIETO RAMOS and focused on the challenges of legal asymmetry in institutional translation.


Stefan HÖFLER is a research fellow with the Centre of Legislative Studies at the Institute of Law of the University of Zürich. He holds an MA in English Linguistics and Literature, Computational Linguistics and Computer Science from the University of Zürich, a PhD in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh (UK) and a DAS in Law from the University of Bern.  While his earlier research was concerned with the cognitive underpinnings of the human language faculty, his more recent research has focused on semantic, pragmatic and discourse-related aspects of legal language, the process of legislative drafting and questions related to the understandability of statutes and ordinances. Besides his academic activities, he worked as a legal editor for the Swiss Federal Chancellery.


Yannis PANAGIS works as Data Specialist at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen’s Law Faculty. He is responsible for data extraction and analysis, and for constructing the iCourts' database of International Courts. Yannis holds a PhD in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece, where he studied Algorithms for Information Retrieval in Web Information Systems. His research interests span the areas of Network Analysis, Legal Informatics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Software Engineering.


Fernando PRIETO RAMOS is Full Professor of Translation, director of the Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) and currently Dean at the University of Geneva's Faculty of Translation and Interpreting. With a background in both Translation and Law, his work focuses on legal and institutional translation, including interdisciplinary methodologies, international legal instruments and specialized terminology. He teaches legal translation at postgraduate level, and is advisory board member of a number of Translation Studies journals. Former member of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies at Dublin City University, he has published widely on legal translation and discourse analysis, and has received several research and teaching awards, including a European Label Award for Innovative Methods in Language Teaching (European Commission, 2002), an International Geneva Award (Swiss Network for International Studies, 2014), and a Consolidator Grant (ERC-SNSF, 2015). He has also translated for several organizations since 1997, including five years as an in-house translator at the World Trade Organization (dispute settlement team).

Urška ŠADL

Urška ŠADL is an assistant professor at iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen’s Law Faculty. She holds a LL.M. degree in Legal Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges and a PhD degree from the University of Copenhagen. She was a visiting researcher at King's College, London, the Institute of European and Comparative Law at the University of Oxford and, most recently, a Michigan Grotius Research Scholar at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Her primary research interests include empirical studies of European courts, the theory and practice of judicial precedents, European citizenship, and topics in European constitutional law more generally. Her research appears, inter alia, in the European Law Journal, the European Law Review, the European Journal of Legal Studies and the European Constitutional Law Review. She is currently completing the project The atlas of legal evolution: The case of EU law, which is financed by The Danish Council for Independent Research and the Sapare Aude Research Talent grant. 

Aleksandar TRKLJA

Aleksandar TRKLJA is a research fellow at the University of Birmingham. He has been working on the Law and Language at the Court of Justice of the European Union (LLECJ) project since November 2013. His role includes carrying out corpus and discourse analyses of EU jurisprudence and developing a theoretical explanation of relations between law and language in the EU legal order. He holds a PhD degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham. More generally, his research interests lie in the application of corpus linguistics to discourse and lexico-grammatical studies of texts belonging to different registers, languages or multimodal systems. Prior to the LLECJ project, Aleksandar worked on a range of small-scale projects concerned with the linguistic investigation of professional and media communication.