Eugenia PORTIOLI holds a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Milan (2011), a Master of Arts in German Literatures from the University of Hamburg (2015), a Master of Arts in Translation Studies from the University of Geneva (2019) and a Master of Advanced Studies in upper secondary level education from the Haute école pédagogique du canton Vaud (2021).
Her research interests include legal and administrative translation, linguistic simplification, translation in crisis contexts, linguistic rights, and social justice. She currently works as a translator, a high school teacher, and a research and teaching assistant at the Italian Unit of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Geneva. She is preparing a doctoral dissertation on linguistic accessibility of informative texts for people with a migrant background under the supervision of Prof. Annarita Felici.
Working languages: Italian, German, English, French.
(2022) Theaterspiele : La perspective actionnelle et le théâtre au service du traitement du texte littéraire en langue étrangère (Master of Advanced Studies’ thesis, Haute école pédagogique du canton Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland).
(2019) Gender: tra traduzione e giurilinguistica. Una riflessione semantico-terminologica a partire dalla sentenza del 10 ottobre 2017 della Corte costituzionale federale tedesca e sul riconoscimento di una terza opzione di genere (Master’s thesis, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland).