The Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) of the University of Geneva will hold its next international conference from 7 to 9 July 2025.
The Transius conference, which is organised in collaboration with IAMLADP’s Universities Contact Group (UCG), is a unique international forum for knowledge transfer, dialogue and networking between researchers, practitioners, trainers and trainees. It combines keynote lectures, parallel paper presentations, a poster session and thematic roundtables on the latest developments in the field.
We welcome proposals for individual or collective contributions in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish either as papers (for 20-minute presentations) or posters (of a maximum size of 100 x 120 cm) on the following themes:
- Methods and competence in legal or institutional translation, including comparative legal analysis and legal hermeneutics for translation
- Terminological issues in legal and institutional translation
- Applications of corpora and computer tools in legal and institutional translation practice, training and research
- Developments and implications of artificial intelligence in legal and institutional translation
- Thematic specialisation in institutional translation (technical, scientific, financial, etc.)
- Translation quality assurance and management practices in institutional settings
- Institutional policies of translation and multilingual drafting
- Plain language, easy language and intralingual transfer in legal and institutional settings
- Sociological and ethical issues in legal and institutional translation
- Official or certified translation
- Court translation and interpreting
- Legal and institutional translator training
A maximum of two proposals may be submitted per author. It will be assumed that the language of the abstract (between 200 and 250 words excluding references) will be the language of the presentation.
The online submission of proposals is now closed.
Institutional practitioners from IAMLADP organisations will also be invited to submit proposals on the above topics (a specific announcement will be circulated through the UCG). Based on these proposals, thematic panels and roundtables will be organised to stimulate debate, and selected speakers will be invited to moderate or join roundtables.
- Anne O'CONNOR (University of Galway)
- Isabelle ROBERT (University of Antwerp)
- Catherine WAY (University of Granada)
- Submission of abstracts: 2 September - 3 13 November 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 16 January 2025
- Registration: 20 January - 29 June 2025
- Conference dates: 7-9 July 2025
Carmen BESTUÉ (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) | Sandra HALE (UNSW Sydney, Australia) |
Łucja BIEL (University of Warsaw, Poland) | Sonia HALIMI (University of Geneva) |
Vicent BRIVA IGLESIAS (Dublin City University, Ireland) | Jeffrey A. KILLMAN (UNC Charlotte, United States) |
Anabel BORJA ALBI (Jaume I University, Spain) | Anne LAFEBER (United Nations) |
Paolo CANAVESE (University of Geneva) | Karen MCAULIFFE (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) |
Deborah CAO (Griffith University, Australia) | Mary Ann MONTEAGUDO (Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Peru) |
Samantha CAYRON (University of Geneva) | Gianluca PONTRANDOLFO (University of Trieste, Italy) |
Elena CHIOCCHETTI (Eurac Research, Italy) | Fernando PRIETO RAMOS (University of Geneva) |
Jade Biyu DU (Newcastle University, United Kingdom) | Leena SALMI (University of Turku, Finland) |
Valérie DULLION (University of Geneva) | Peter SANDRINI (University of Innsbruck, Austria) |
Jan ENGBERG (University of Aarhus, Denmark) | Karolina STEFANIAK (DGT, European Commission) |
Annarita FELICI (University of Geneva) | Tomáš SVOBODA (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) |
Mathilde FONTANET (University of Geneva) | Aurélien TALBOT (University of Grenoble Alpes, France) |
Jean-Claude GÉMAR (University of Montreal, Canada, and University of Geneva) | Melissa WALLACE (University of Texas at San Antonio, United States) |
Marie-Hélène GIRARD (McGill University, Canada) | Catherine WAY (University of Granada, Spain) |
Diego GUZMÁN (University of Geneva) |