Viva Voce Examination: Samantha CAYRON

On Tuesday 31 March 2015, Samantha CAYRON passed the viva voce examination for her PhD thesis, entitled “La traducción jurada de documentos notariales en materia de sucesiones entre los sistemas jurídicos francés y español: el caso del acta de notoriedad”.

She was awarded a "Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury" distinction.

Examining committee:

  • Prof. Valérie DULLION, chair, FTI, University of Geneva
  • Prof. Carmen BESTUÉ, examiner, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Prof. Anabel BORJA ALBI, examiner, Jaume I University of Castellón
  • Prof. Fernando PRIETO RAMOS, thesis supervisor, FTI, University of Geneva