Associate professor, head of the Italian Unit

+41 (0)22 37 98740


Recent publications

Annarita FELICI is Associate Professor of Translation at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva since October 2014. In 2008 she completed her PhD in Applied Linguistics at Royal Holloway, University of London with a thesis on the translation of norms in EU legal texts. Her fields of special interest include legal translation, contrastive linguistics, discourse analysis in institutional settings and the application of corpus linguistics to translation and specialized languages. She was previously “Juniorprofessorin” of legal linguistics at the University of Cologne in Germany and spent over ten years in the UK lecturing translation, general linguistics and Italian as a foreign language. She has worked as a translator and as translation project manager in the area of linguistic validation.

Working languages: Italian, English, French, German.

Selected publications

(2019) With Mori, L. Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall' Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. In B. Moretti, A. Kunz, S. Natale & E. Krakenberger (Eds.), Atti del LII Congresso SLI (Berna 6-8 settembre 2018). Le tendenze dell'italiano contemporaneo rivisitate (pp. 287-304). Milan: Officinaventuno. doi:10.17469/O2102SLI000017.

(2019) With Griebel, C. The challenge of multilingual ‘plain language' in translation-mediated Swiss administrative communication: a preliminary comparative analysis of insurance leaflets. Translation Spaces, 8(1), 167-191. doi:10.1075/ts.00017.fel.

(2018) With Griebel, C. La communication administrative dans le contexte plurilingue de la Suisse : Une analyse préliminaire de l'accessibilité linguistique des mémentos de l'AVS et AI. In P. Bouillon, S. Rodríguez & I. Strasly (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication, Geneva, 9th to 10th November 2018. Geneva (Switzerland) (pp. 42-46). Geneva: University of Geneva.

(2017) With Titus-Brianti, G. La punteggiatura nei testi legislativi dell'Unione europea. In A. Ferrari, L. Lala & F. Pecorari (Eds.), L'interpunzione oggi (e ieri). L'italiano e altre lingue europee (pp. 167-184). Quaderni della Rassegna. Florence: Franco Cesati Editore.

(2015) Translating EU Legislation from a Lingua Franca: Advantages and Disadvantages. In S. Šarčević (Ed.), Language and Culture in EU Law: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 123-140). London: Ashgate.

(2013) Human Rights across time and space: a cross-linguistic analysis of performatives in English and Italian. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 23(1), 31-43. doi:10.1111/ijal.12022.

(2012) Shall ambiguities in EU legislative texts. Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal of Legal Communication, 10, 51-66. doi:10.14746/cl.2012.10.04.

(2012) With Pal, Paul. Predicting Translation equivalents and Norm Formulation: A Study on some EU Legislative Features. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 19(3), 181–204. doi:10.1080/09296174.2012.685303.

(2011) With Plowright, R., Wilson, A. & Bradley, C. Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ) for Spain and Latin America: are Multiple Language Versions Really Necessary? Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Newsletter, 46, 19.

(2010) Multilingualism in EU Law: how promulgation authenticates equality. Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal of Legal Communication, 2, 153-165. doi:10.14746/cl.2010.2.13.

(2010) Translating EU law: legal issues and multiple dynamics. Perspectives. Studies in Translatology, 18(2), 95-108. doi:10.1080/09076761003668289.